She Will Rise


She Will Rise is a collection of motivational, self-help poetry about finding the courage to confront your reflection, discover who you are, realize your worthiness, embrace your power, and rise. The book takes you on a journey of uncovering and defining the truth of yourself and the truth of life – you can fall, you can cry, and you can always decide to rise. Told through poetry and rich illustrations, the book is broken down into three parts and addresses emotions and topics that many try to hide, mostly out of shame. With recurring green semi-colons throughout, the theme of the book is heavily rooted in mental health awareness with a message of, “your story isn’t over yet.”

“There is hope for you. Even in the most dismal moments there is hope and that hope lives within you. You must only have the courage to go find it.”

Part 1:  She  Fell

In part one, the poetry explores thoughts and feelings about not belonging and feeling insignificant and scared. It delves into how we feel when we lose ourselves and when we are more concerned about who we must be rather than who we are. Falling is about being at the lowest of lows, that bottom place, where nobody truly wants to go.

Part 2: She Cried

In part two, the poetry takes you on a journey through the process of self-discovery. Along this journey there is poetry about contemplating, crying, and realizing that we don’t need to suppress our fears and emotions, instead, we need to honor them.

Part 3: She Decided to Rise

Part three is about realizing our true power. The poetry explores what it means to rise and how we can learn to thrive, despite our chaos, and stay true to who we are and what we truly want.

“In the dark is not where your story ends”

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#shewillrise #iamshe #mystoryisntover

Let’s create a world where we are not scared to share our stories. A world where we are not ashamed to be who we are.


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